Meeting Card Agreement
The Meeting Card program has been designed to allow student group travel leaders a means to charge group travel expenses to a University corporate credit card. The meeting card is for student group travel only and cannot be used for personal or individual travel expenses.
- Meeting Card Restrictions
- Meeting Card Use
- Meeting Card Instructions for Application
- Best Practices for Meeting Card Documentation
- Meeting Card Audits and Suspensions
- Meeting Card Dispute/Lost Receipt Instructions
- Lost or Stolen Meeting Cards
Meeting Card Restrictions
The following items are strictly prohibited from being purchased on the Meeting Card:
- Alcohol.
- Travel expenses for a single employee.
- Travel expenses for a single non-employee.
- Inappropriate purchases (an inappropriate expenditure is one that is 'personal' in nature and is not for the purpose of the institution).
- Office equipment/supplies.
- Expenses unrelated to travel.
Meeting Card Use
The IU Meeting Card may only be used at merchants accepting Visa payments.
Each card will have a monthly limit default of $10,000 unless other arrangements have been approved. There is also a limit of 25 transactions per day. The limits may be raised above these guidelines with approval from the fiscal officer as well as the Procurement Card Manager. Once the Meeting Card is issued and it has been determined that the limit should be adjusted, the fiscal officer should request the change by contacting TMS-Card Services at 812-855-3720 option 3 or the Purchasing support form. The fiscal officer will be notified when the change is approved and the date it is effective.
The card is to be used for group travel-related expenses only. Purchases for individual expenses will not be allowed. Individual expenses include conference registration, meals, transportation or lodging for a single employee or individual.
Use of the Meeting Card for personal purchases is strictly prohibited. If personal purchases occur on the Meeting Card, the card holder will be required to reimburse the IU account for these purchases and the card will be subject to cancellation.
The card must be issued in the name of the individual in charge of the group. This person should be the primary cardholder.
Not all merchant codes are accepted. If, in the course of using the card, you encounter a merchant who has declined a purchase and you would like an explanation for the denial, please contact 812-855-3720 option 3 or contact US Bank directly at 1-800-344-5696.
Meeting Card Instructions for Application
A Meeting Card is issued in a department's name and displays the name of the IU Faculty or Staff member who is chaperoning the trip. To determine your eligibility for a Meeting Card, contact TMS-Card Services (TMS-CS) at 812-855-3720 option 3.
Apply for a Meeting Card through Card Services' Request A Card page. To update or cancel an existing card, please submit a Support Form.
Submit a P-Card & Meeting Card Acknowledgement Receipt Form before you use the card for the first time, and within 48 hours of receiving the card. The form confirms that the card was received, and that the submitter agrees to follow the rules and procedures described.
To learn about approvals and more, Review the Card Request Process
top↑Best Practices for Meeting Card Documentation
- The card holder or their Emburse Enterprise Delegate will create an expense report for one or more expense appearing in the cardholder's ewallet.
- Segregation of duties will be enforced to ensure accuracy and to prevent misuse.
- The card holder or their Emburse Enterprise Delegate will move each transaction from the Credit Card section in the ewallet to the expense report.
- Supporting documentation is to be complete and document each transaction in that expense report.
- The card holder or their Emburse Enterprise Delegate will add the allocation (account) for each expense in that expense report.
- A legible, itemized receipt matching the U.S. Bank transaction record must be added to that expense report for each expense.
- Documentation of resolution of non-compliance expenses must be added to the expense report for each non-compliant expense.
- The cardholder or their Emburse Enterprise Delegate will verify that all expenses in that expense report are true and correct, and are for legitimate business purposes.
- The cardholder or their Emburse Enterprise Delegate will submit that expense report and it will route to the Travel Transaction Approver for policy audit review and expense approval
NOTE: Critical data must be redacted from supporting attachments. Critical data includes social security number, credit card number, and bank account information. Guidelines from the University Information Policy Office are available here.
top↑Meeting Card Audits and Suspensions
The Fiscal Officer or the Travel Transaction Approver verifies each transaction against the original receipt and is responsible for reviewing the Emburse Enterprise expense reports for compliance with IU policies and procedures. Transactions that do not comply with Indiana University policy and procedures require rectification. For example, personal charges are not permitted on IU procurement cards. The required action is to reimburse IU for any personal charge and include the Emburse Enterprise document number with the supporting paperwork.
The IU Internal Audit Department may also conduct periodic audits of cardholder transactions and supporting documentation. Additionally, the IU Travel staff will review transaction activity reports to ensure cardholders are adhering to the IU policies and procedures.
Cardholders must submit Emburse Enterprise expense reports with equivalent original receipts on a timely basis. This means MeetingCard expenses must be submitted within 30 days of the transaction and be supported by legible, itemized receipts and documentation of resolution of any non-compliant transactions. Failure to comply with this policy may cause the card privileges to be rescinded.
If there is one or more un-submitted expense over 90 days, card privileges will be temporarily suspended until all expenses have been added to an expense report and submitted for approval. Card suspension means the cardholder will be unable to use the card to make any purchases until the outstanding problems have been resolved and card privileges have been re-instated.
Repeated occurrences of card suspension may be cause for permanent card cancellation.Also, the cardholder will not be eligible to receive travel advances if the card privileges have been suspended.
Please feel free to contact TMS-Card Services with any questions about what constitutes an allowable charge or acceptable supporting documentation.
Meeting Card Dispute/Lost Receipt Instructions
There is a 60-day period in which to file disputes with US Bank. Disputes filed later than 60 days from the date of the purchase may not be considered. Disputes should be discussed first with the merchant and should be referred to US Bank only after attempts to resolve the matter with the merchant have failed. All correspondence regarding disputes must be handled through US Bank. US Bank will require you to complete an on-line dispute form using Access Online or you may call US Bank Customer Service at 1-800-344-5696. The cardholder MUST keep a copy of the dispute form for future reference.
Note: Disputes are not handled by disapproving the Emburse Enterprise expense report. Once the discrepancy is resolved in Access Online, then a credit expense will appear in the cardholder's ewallet at a later time.
Every reasonable effort must be made to obtain a duplicate copy of a charge receipt if the original has been lost. If you find you are in need of a copy of a receipt, contact the vendor. If the vendor is unable to provide a copy of the receipt, a response will be required on the Emburse Enterprise expense report explaining the justification for the missing receipt.
Lost or Stolen Meeting Cards
Steps to follow when reporting a lost or stolen Meeting Card:
- Immediately contact US Bank Fraud Prevention, available 24 hours a day at 1-800-523-9078 (if traveling internationally, call collect at 1-701-461-2010).
- Contact TMS-Card Services at 812-855-3720 option 3 to update the MeetingCard records and suspend the associated account.
- In the case of a stolen card, notify INLOCC at 812-855-9758 and your campus Police Department
- A replacement card will be reissued upon report of the lost or stolen card to US Bank (NO PAPERWORK REQUIRED). This may take 2-3 business days. The new card will be delivered to TMS-Card Services. If you are on the Bloomington campus, you will be notified when the card is ready for pickup in the Travel office. If you are on a regional campus, the card will be sent via campus mail to the address on file.
- Activate the new Meeting Card upon receipt. If you need the PIN to activate the account, call --2873.
- The cardholder should continue to monitor the account until all transactions have been reconciled to ensure that no fraudulent charges occurred. If fraudulent charges are as soon as possible using Access Online. Disputes must be submitted within 60 days of the transaction date to be considered for credit.
- Change the password on all e-commerce websites in which the MeetingCard is entered as a payment method.
- If the lost/stolen Meeting Card is later found, destroy the card immediately. The card is not functional after new replacement card has been issued.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder or department head to report a lost or stolen Meeting Card immediately to US Bank Fraud Prevention.
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